Magi (Matthew 2) | Craft 2


This is the second part of the JWL little nativity scene. It comes with the disclaimer that while it’s not robust enough to store from one year to the next it is rather darling, and it’s based on the more traditional viewpoint hence the camels and three male magi.


The first part with characters are here, the angels come from this craft. Print the PDF page onto regular paper and cut round the characters. You will also need a sheet of acetate, a stapler and a glue stick.


Take the sheet of acetate and cut into 2 pieces length-ways. One half will be used for the walls the other half will be used for the characters.

The characters stand up using a rectangle of acetate rolled into a tube and stapled.


Try and put the staple where it won’t be seen and attach the paper to the acetate using a glue stick. If you can’t access acetate then use paper or card for supports.


Arrange your characters wherever you wish, replace the shepherd and sheep or leave them in, you may want to cut the base of one angel to prop it on the roof as shown.




Donations this month: target - $ 50

$ 19