All the FREE resources are grouped by lesson sets here, click on the lesson name to see all the posts linked to that passage.
If you are looking for something specific, the search function above is the fastest way to find things.

Young Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1)

Young Samuel (1 Samuel 3)

David Danced (2 Samuel 6)

David’s City (2 Samuel 5)

King Saul (1 Samuel 12-24)

Psalm 118

Psalm 119

Psalm 107

Psalm 19

Psalm 22

Psalm 25

Jacob’s Rachel and Leah (Genesis 29)

Jacob’s Ladder (Genesis 28)

Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25)

Rebekah & Isaac (Genesis 24)

Aaron and the Manna (Exodus 16)

Parting the Red Sea/ Miriam’s song (Exodus 15)

Pharaoh (Exodus 7)

Moses (Exodus 3)

Zipporah (Exodus 2)

Miriam (Exodus 2)

Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1)

Jonathan (1 Samuel 20)