Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft

The story of Philip and the Ethiopian has one big obvious craft, a chariot. While some groups will “junk model” this concept, if you want something more sedate and contained, this craft fits the bill.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: setup

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, thin card and some paper glue.

Print the template and then back it onto card. The following photos are from an older version of the craft, but the construction is the same.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: the seat

Cut out all the pieces and start assembling by attaching the base of the chariot by gluing the fold-able tabs onto it.

IMPORTANT: the bigger tab is there to allow the chariot to stand, don’t fold it.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: the wheels

The wheels, the glue onto the outside.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: the horse

The card horse is made by folding the large shape along the middle join. A little glue inside the head will help the creature stand upright.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: old version

Take the reins and glue them onto the side of the head. Bend the paper over at the loose end and glue onto the rim of the chariot.

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A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

Download colour Download no colour

US letter size
(8.5″ x 11″)

Download colour Download no colour


The story of Philip and the Ethiopian is a reminder that the message of the gospel can be confusing to those who have not yet had it explained to them. This very quick and simple craft will give the children a picture to take home where the reminder to share the big story quite literally jumps out at them.

Updated Craft – Old graphics still available.


This worksheet about Philip and the Ethiopian is suitable for those of school age children to work on in pairs of small groups, or for a group of any age to work on as a large group. The worksheet is designed to be printed in colour but will work well in grey scale.

The sheet consists of three areas, a discussion about how to share what you believe, a maze to work on in alone or during the discussion, and the biblical passage the Ethiopian was reading. The sheet would be a good filler activity and probably shouldn’t take more than a few minutes of the lesson.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the image.


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8).

Each hero’s page set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)

This lesson has updated graphics, both sets are not available here.













English (old grapics)




If you want the teacher sheet then click HERE

Philip is today’s bible hero because he shows us the gift of telling others

Essential Teachers notes:
This story is often accredited to the apostle Philip, though it is much more likely to have been the deacon Philip who actually took part. I’ve tried to leave it slightly ambiguous so you can make up your own mind – though one day I may do the story of Philip and Nathaniel at a later date.

Main Passage : Acts 8




The hero in this story is Philip, often mistaken as the apostle and more likely to be a one of the deacons commissioned with Stephen. Philip’s story is only half the message for it’s the reaction of the Ethiopian and the Isaiah text that makes this story remarkable.

Chariot races – Divide the children into 2 or more small groups and give each group a strong blanket or large pieces of cardboard. get the smallest member of the group to be the driver and sit on the blanket or board and the bigger members of the group to be horses. The horses must firmly grasp the edge of the chariot with one hand and run. Clear as large a space as possible (preferably around the edge of your working area) and have a chariot race.


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