10 years of JWL – Day 6

10 years of JWL

It’s been 10 years and I’ve loved being able to resource teachers across the globe though Jesus without language.

To celebrate I’ve made up a pack of teacher resources and I’m releasing one part each day for the next 10 days.

Last week I gave you tools to prepare, this week is all about the things you need outside the session itself.

Today we are doing a an essential yet often ignored practice: Session reviews.

If you don’t do session reviews then I’d encourage you to start. These ones are super duper simple and a good way to keep the team working on the same page. I’ve given you a speedy one for on the day and a discussion based one for chatting about over coffee.

Click on the picture for the PDF.
ps. the quick review would work on half a page if you want something small!

10 years of JWL day 6 pdf


Find all the parts so far by clicking on the image below
all the parts



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$ 5