10 years of JWL – Day 8

10 years of JWL

It’s been 10 years, and I’ve loved being able to resource teachers across the globe though Jesus without language.

To celebrate, I’ve made up a pack of teacher resources, and I’m releasing one part each day for the next 10 days.

Last week I gave you tools to prepare, this week is all about the things you need outside the session itself.

Today we are looking at the whole book: The Bible.

The bible is a huge, complex library of stories that weave a big narrative and cross-link like crazy. We usually teach isolated passages and err towards skipping certain books with our youngsters. Tracking what you have been covering during the year will highlight if you’ve managed to make it out of the first five books of either testament! (Admitting here I’ve failed on that before.)

Click on the picture for the PDF.

10 years of JWL day 8 pdf

Find all the parts so far by clicking on the image below
all the parts



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$ 5