Print the game PDF page by clicking on the picture. We order things to help us understand the world and how to act. In this game, you are given 5 random images and told to order them. How you order them is entirely up to you and no answer is wrong, but you must give a reason why. Are they in value order? Age order? Does the order tell a story? Etc. Link to the blueprint conflict resolution part of this passage.

I can… we can…
Repeat the following statement, changing the parameters, “I can reach this high/far, together we can reach this high/far.” “I can lift this much, together we can lift this much” etc. By working with others we achieve much more, praying with others we are joined by Jesus.
Cuck-oo, moo moo
One person shouts out the first half of an animal sound, and the next person needs to respond with the other half. e.g. person 1 says, “twit” and the next says “twoo”. Dependent on your setup, this can work over screens, directed across rooms, or going around a circle. Which sounds work alone, which need a partner?
Prayer chain Jesus
Sit the children in a circle and say we will be passing around the word ‘Jesus’ one letter at a time. Have the first person throw a letter J, you can do this with a ball or just by imitating the action, the receiver throws the letter E until you reach the last S and start again. Link to the idea that we find Jesus not alone but gathered, even if only 2 people were throwing the letters they would still find Jesus.
Who ate the cookie from the cookie jar
If you have very small children, sing a round of this song. Talk about how it can be difficult to admit our mistakes and how others can accuse us. Link to Jesus talking about conflict