Psalm 19 | Craft 2


Psalm 19 begins with a beautiful description of God’s creation praising him, marvelling at the beauty of the sun as it races it’s way across the expanse of sky. This has to be one of the most iconic childhood crafts, that of a mobile. This is deliberately stripped back so you can go nuts decorating it with textures – think cotton wool, sparkly sequins, sun rays of coloured matchsticks etc.


To make this craft you will need the 1 page template printout, scissors, and colouring pens or pencils.

A4 paper templates

US letter paper templates


Add some colour to your design. You don’t need to do this first but you may find it easier.
The final pictures are at the abase of the page to help you.


Cut the central box out.


Fold in a zigzag along the vertical lines.


View from one side to see the scripture scroll, view from the other side to see God’s creation – both tell us about the Glory of God!




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