Samson – Delilah (Judges 16)| Craft 1


This is a crazy craft that’s so simple to do, quite unique for each child and bound to bring smiles to a group. Samson was known for his long hair and that’s just what we are making, Samson paper hair styles!


No template for this one, all you’ll need is some paper (the bigger the better), a pencil, a ruler, a pair of scissors and either some tape or a stapler. I used white paper as I didn’t have any large sheets of coloured paper, but I’d recommend colours if you have them available.


Start by measuring out how much paper you’ll need to go round the child’s head. As I am the model here I used 3 A4 sheets. Make the ‘hair as long as possible by keeping the paper portrait not landscape. Also, don’t cut the paper to size, overlapping it makes the hair fuller.

Once you have it measured out lay it flat, layer as many sheets as possible and draw a guide line roughly 3 cm from the end.


Now to make the hair strips. Overlapping the paper means less strips to cut but you need to hold it firmly. Don’t worry if you lose a strand or two – it probably won’t be noticed and you can tape it back in place if really needed!


When all the hair is cut lay it flat on a table or the floor before styling.


Use the side of a pencil to curl a strand of hair. This is just the same as curling ribbons for a parcel. Hold the place where the hair meets the headband and run the pencil along the side of the hair facing you.


We are going to curl alternative strands of hair so they all curl in the same direction.


When you have finished one side it should look a little like this. Carefully turn your creation over and start curling the remaining strands in the opposite direction. Working alternately is easier than doing this all at once.


When you are finished take your mass of curly hair and secure it round your head. Have a look in the mirror, you may want to curl a few strands tighter in order to clear your vision.


If your group has photo permission this is a great time to bring out the camera and get the kids to pose with their Samson hairstyles – it’s also a great time to prove you don’t mind being embarrassed for your kids by having your own hairstyle photographed!




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$ 20