The least of these (Matthew 25) | Craft 1


The King separated the Sheep and the goats, not because they were sheep and goats but because some had truly served their fellow man (for the least of these), when the others hadn’t. This craft illustrates that separation. It deliberately blank so that the older children can write their own messages on the wall and floor.


link to TPT lesson set

To make this craft you will need the 1 page template printout, scissors, and glue.


Add some colour if you need to then cut out the three pieces.


Fold the background in half along the dotted line. Do this going in both directions.


Cut along the solid black lines.



Fold the three tabs upwards.



Turn over and repeat so the folds all go both ways.



The background needs to fold so it stands up but the tabs stick out. Do the tabs one at a time.



Once all three are complete you background is finished.



Attach the sheep and the goats. The sheep were on the King’s right hand side!




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