Philip & Ethiopian (Acts 8) | Craft

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft

The story of Philip and the Ethiopian has one big obvious craft, a chariot. While some groups will “junk model” this concept, if you want something more sedate and contained, this craft fits the bill.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: setup

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, thin card and some paper glue.

Print the template and then back it onto card. The following photos are from an older version of the craft, but the construction is the same.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: the seat

Cut out all the pieces and start assembling by attaching the base of the chariot by gluing the fold-able tabs onto it.

IMPORTANT: the bigger tab is there to allow the chariot to stand, don’t fold it.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: the wheels

The wheels, the glue onto the outside.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: the horse

The card horse is made by folding the large shape along the middle join. A little glue inside the head will help the creature stand upright.

Philip and Ethiopia chariot craft: old version

Take the reins and glue them onto the side of the head. Bend the paper over at the loose end and glue onto the rim of the chariot.

the Milosevic Family

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A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

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US letter size
(8.5″ x 11″)

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