Cain and Abel (Genesis 4) | Craft 1


This craft is also the talk, it tells the story of Cain’s family but in a small book format they can take home and read themselves or have an adult read it to them.

Print the PDF onto paper. There are 2 pages and they need to be printed back to back with the top of one page behind the top of the other page.

Remind the children of the story they have heard and say they will now make a book to take the story home with them.


One side of the paper should have dotted cutting lines. Cut only where the line indicate. Lightly fold the paper to cut the middle slits. Place the identically cut pages together with the front cover and the back page facing you. Fold each piece where the pages join.


Lightly bend the edges of the front cover pieces to create a tab to pass through the hole in the back page pieces.


flatten the book and let each child colour the relevant illustrations as you retell the story.

EDIT : some people have had a little difficulty with this so if you are one here are some tips.
1. Make sure the pages are printed so the writing is the right way up on both sides
2. Fold every ‘page’ along the middle before you construct – the scissors always are on the inside of the fold.
3. When putting the sheets together use the fold to help know which way to place the sheet.
4. The back cover is the page with the instructions.
5. this craft is also the talk post – read the story there to check your order if you feel the need.




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