Christmas Extras | Craft


As a final craft for this years Christmas update we have an angel. Not really specific to any story but matching the Angel graphic in the Christmas Heroes post, this little character works well on it’s own or with an electric tea-light under it.

This angel is heavily inspired by the free paper-craft angels over on the Allsorts blog. If an objection is voiced then this craft will be removed.


To make this heavenly messenger you’ll need the PDF printout and a glue stick. You may opt for using an additional piece of sticky tape.


Cut round all the shapes. Start with the largest piece, you need to fold the two wings inwards.

Push the two straight folds of the wings together to form the cone body. If it helps put a little piece of tape to secure.


Take the back of the wings and fold them down the middle, then cover the blank side in a thin layer of glue and attach to the wings on the model. You may have to smooth down your angel at this point.


Add a little glue to the very middle of the arms piece – directly above the straight line. To attach the arms hook them behind the head and position so the sash goes from the body across the right shoulder.


Your angel is complete!

It’s time to add your choice of message. I’ve included 2 messages and a blank banner for you to choose from.


To add the message just use two of dots of glue on the hands.



I’ve tried to minimise ink usage for this design but it is designed to be printed in colour. I believe printing in colour sends a powerful message to the kids (see this post)

However, I know the frugal and those with no capacity for colour printing will try converting it, and the glow effect will leave ugly lines. So I’ve made a frugal friendly version. It has no backs to the wings, 2 angels per page, and no colour.




Donations this month: target - $ 50

$ 5