Parable of the Vineyard Owner (Matthew 20) | Craft 1


In the parable of the Vineyard owner each man receives a single coin, a danarii, a days wage. Alone it seemed insignificant but when the men in the parable compared their wages they saw the level of unfairness. This craft gathers all those coins, each equal, and puts them together to represent something much bigger. This craft is simple but a little time consuming.


To make this craft you will need the printout, scissors and a glue stick.

For printing in Colour PDF – 1 page
For printing with lower Colour (not yellow coins) PDF – 1 page
For printing without Colour PDF – 1 page


Start cutting all those circles.


Start folding along all the straight lines – you can fold either way but folding with a valley fold (ink to ink) makes it easier to construct later


Start joining the pieces together by glueing the tabs. The easiest way is 2 glue tabs at a time and pinch them between your fingers until they are dry.



Rather than making the entire ball at once it’s better to make two halves separately



Join your two halves together and you have a fun little ball to twist and play with.




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