Parable of the Vineyard Owner (Matthew 20) | Craft 2


In the parable of the Vineyard owner the men collect the grapes and that’s as simple as this craft linking idea is. It’s wonderfully open ended. Fill your bunch of grapes with coins that the men will be paid, scrunch tissue paper, dab paint, use glass beads or sequins, or anything you have on hand.


To make this craft you will need the printout and some art materials. If you want to recreate the exact version pictured here you will need some glue, purple paper and green tissue paper.

For printing in Full Colour PDF – 1 page
For printing with Lower Colour (not yellow coins) PDF – 1 page
For printing without Colour PDF – 1 page


Cut off the top of your page that has the instructions on.


Gather your art materials and get decorating. Try folding or scrunching flat elements to give your design depth. Here I’ve used purple circles folded in half.


Decorate the leaf and stalk with green sticking down as you go.



Fill in your grapes and you are done!




Donations this month: target - $ 50

$ 19