Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22)| Craft 2


A simple coin silences the Pharisees and Herodians question about taxes and it’s that coin that’s celebrated in this craft. Make your own coin papercraft. It’s a basic paper model but if you have very young children do use card, craft foam, or any thick material in the middle to make it easier. The beauty of this craft is that it carries the message on the coin.


link to TPT lesson set

To make this craft you will need the 1 page template printout, scissors, and glue – you may also need thick card if you are doing the easy option.


If you want to decorate your coin do that first then cut out the coins and the edging strip.

(make this super easy!:
If you want to bypass the fiddly bit use a coin as a template to cut a thick card circle and attach the two faces either side – make it pretty by trimming the coin edge strip and attaching it.)


Fold the sides of the coin edge inwards.



Use scissors to fringe each side of the coin edge by cutting along the lines.



Add glue to the end tab of the coin edge. (do not fold)



The coin edge probably will look an odd shape at this point, don’t worry!



Time to attach it all together! Add glue to the coin face



Glue the coin edge around the sides of the coin face



Attach the second side – this is the trickiest bit!



Your coin should stand.




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