Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Craft 2


The wedding at Cana miracle hinges on the collection of stone water jars of which this craft highlights. These empty contains give you a springboard for discussing how they can be filled. Coloured candy or popcorn would be great for taking home, or use for a play space with bright pompoms.


As well as the printout, to make this craft you will need a pair of scissors and a glue stick. You may also need colouring pens if you are printing without colour. This craft works best printed on thin card but paper will suffice.

For printing in full colour PDF – 1 page
For printing in outline only PDF – 1 page


Cut out all the pieces, 2 sides, one connector and 2 handles.


Fold the connector pieces along every line – all folds are mountain folds (the printing on the outside).


Add glue to the white tabs on one side.


Glue onto one side of the jar, it’s best to start with the smallest middle tab and the base of the jar.


Once secure add glue to the other set of tabs.


Repeat with the other side of other jar. A pencil or ruler can help smooth the glue tabs.


Fold the tabs on the two handles – once again these are mountain folds.


Using the guide lines glue a handle to the middle connector piece.


Repeat with the remaining handle and choose your filling.




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$ 20