First 4 disciples (Mark 1) | Craft 2


‘I will make you fishers of men’ is iconic of itself. Here Jesus takes the everyday of the four men’s lives and transforms it radically. This spinning boats catch fills their nets with fish and then men, it’s super simple and suitable for any age group.


To make this craft you will need the 1 page template printout, scissors, and a spilt pin (a ‘brad’ for out American friends).

A4 paper templates

US letter paper templates


Add colour if needed and cut out both pieces.


Make a small hole where the two small circles show.


Thread the split pin though the holes with the net behind the boat.


Open out the spit pin on the back.


Spin the circle to ‘change’ what the men are catching.
(There is a small fishers of men sign included if you wish to add it to the sail)




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$ 19