Miriam’s song – the Red Sea (Exodus 15) | Craft 2


The story of the parting of the red sea is so very visual it’s hard to resist the urge to curl paper and dive into creating a scene. This version has the depth that’s needed without the hundred strips of paper, so it shouldn’t flatten too easy on the trip home. Miriam heads up the crowd while Moses stands aloof, on a classic overhanging rock, watching the crowd move. While there is quite a bit of cutting it’s really simple to put together.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, one printout page and a glue stick. Grabbing a ruler to help your fold in a straight line and a pencil to curl round may help too, but isn’t necessary. I’d strongly recommend printing on thicker paper. I’ve included an extra template with the crowd in 1 piece rather than 3 for younger groups too.

Choose your template:

For printing in full colour (recommended) PDF – 1 page
For printing in partial colour (for those with ink issues) PDF – 1 page
For printing with no colour (for those without colour printing) PDF – 1 page
For printing in colour – reduced pieces (for those with younger groups or less time) PDF – 1 page


These templates have valley and mountain marks on them to help folding.
Valley folds create a valley with the printed sides touching
Mountain folds create a mountain with the printed sides on the outside.


Cut out the pieces – I’d strongly recommend following the dotted lines round the crowd pieces.


Fold the base so you form a gully in the paper


Snip the waves along the middle of the lighter lines.


the waves attach to the main piece like this. you can choose to attach them and then curl or curl once attached.


Curl the waves – rolling with fingers really is enough for this craft but you could also wrap lightly round a pencil or by using a flat edge such as a ruler or scissors.


Prepare the crowd pieces but folding the three supports and gluing each onto the crowd.


Place the crowd pieces along the pathway, gluing into position. If you are using the single crowd template then you may need to lay the crowd down a little.


Fold and glue Miriam slightly to one side.


Fold the two folds on the Moses piece and then gently curl the edge of the rock.


Attach the smallest tab to the corner of your scene.


Place glue on the second tab and glue to the inside of your waves.
If the children have problems with this curl just fold the piece and stick flush to the waves.


Your scene is now complete.

Want to add more? Try a pillar of cloud behind or by drawing on extra waves.




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