We had far too much fun playing with these little hats that remind us that the power is not really ours, just as Peter’s defence stated the power was not really his, but from Jesus. We are all Jesus powered!
Warning: We know all know leaders will be the first to try wearing them… it’s tall but still kid sized!

To make this craft you will need the 1 page template printout, scissors, glue and ribbon/string paper strips, to go around the head.
Print the template and then back it onto card.

Cut out both shapes.

Cut the fringe part on the lower part of the face, and fold each section to a right angle.

Starting from one end, attach the top of the face to the lower part of the face.

Add glue to the forehead slit tab, and glue the face together.

Attach elastic, ribbon, or strips of paper or elastic to the two side tabs to wear your hat.
I used staples as I didn’t have strong glue to hand, but you could use superglue or paper glue if you are using paper strips not fabric.

Adjust the ties so they fit on each child!

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