Jairus & Daughter (Luke 8) | Craft


The moment of a Jairus’ daughter waking is the most dramatic visually of the story. This paper model craft is a nice way of capturing that moment, and even has moving parts so the girl can indeed ‘wake up’ as Jesus commanded her to do.

The updated version of this craft has a much nicer feel – not only are the graphics for the characters and setting improved, there is a decorative table and the much requested inclusion of the Jesus character image. If you are looking for the old version you can find it here.


You will need a pair of scissors, a craft knife, a glue stick, and both pages from the PDF. I would recommend printing this on thin card, but it’s not necessary.

For printing in Colour PDF – one page
For printing with NO Colour PDF – one page

Elizabeth kindly put the instructions into a PDF with the pictures: PDF – two pages (Thank you Elizabeth!)


Start by cutting out the shapes on the instructions page. Try and cut them carefully, the inside of the table can be left solid if you wish.


Before moving onto the pieces prepare the background by folding along the floor line.


Cut the 3 slits in the bed shape between the parallel lines, this is best done with a craft knife and can be done before the session if you would prefer.


Fold the bed along the dotted lines, this can be a little tricky by the slit and scoring may help!


Glue the pull tab to the inside of the little girls back, that’s the side WITHOUT colour. The markings are clearly visible if you hold it up to the light.


Fold the glue tab forwards along the dotted line of the girls back. Then glue the tops of her heads together. If you’ve gone wrong so far it won’t work.


Add glue to the tab on the little girl and slide into the first slit.


Slide the long tab through the two remaining slits.


Turn the mechanism over and glue onto the background where the box indicates.


The table is made from 2 pieces. removing the middle is optional but once folded along the dotted lines you will still need to use the securing tab at the base of the unit.


Glue the top in place and then add the bowl.


Jairus can be cut along with his support. Fold the support along the dotted lines.


Glue the support to Jarius. He can be glued to the background piece last or left as a freestanding piece.


Once everything is in place then pull that tab to watch the little girl, quite literally, getting up!




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$ 19